NetAppel 300 minutes per week of free Calling
NetAppel, a French VoIP provider, appears to be offering free calls to Mobile phone to (USA, Hongkong, Porto Rico)or to fixed lines to
Free destinations. 300 minutes per week of free calls, measured over the last 7 days and free minutes Unused can not be carried over to the next (s) week (s), With your FREE DAYS you can call free all destinations listed free! . If the limit is exceeded the normal rate will apply. On the other hand, their prices to a lot of countries are cheaper than Skype at 1 eurocent per minute. but you can get another free minutes easily by creating multiple accounts.
How do I make free voip calls ?
Just click on the download link below and save the installation on your computer. After downloading, double click the installation file, you can start. Make free calls * with your friends connected or to the fixed telephones of the popular destinations or call another destination with the lowest rates.
Make Free call To :
Australie, Autriche,Chili,,Chypre , Corée Du Sud, Danemark, Espagne, Estonie, Etats-Unis (+mobile), Finlande, Hongkong (+mobile), Hongrie,Islande, Japon, Luxembourg, Malaisie, Monaco, Norvège, Nouvelle-Zélande, Panama, Porto Rico (+mobile), Royaume-Uni, Russie, Slovénie,Suède, Suisse